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Online Mystery School

To become a lucid dreamer

Within this reality

Is to awaken to the presence

Of the magnitude of life's miracles

In every moment. 


The moments we remember deepest

Are the ones that needed our full presence

Everything in-between is like a dream forgotten 

Lost in our own minds, asleep. 


As we align to our harmonious nature

And allow life to move freely

As a pure stream

Without dams and restrictions

We become the intelligence of love

Tend   Your  Internal  Garden  And   Watch  It  Grow 

When we understand ourselves as apart of the natural living organism of nature, we can begin to dissolve into the evolutionary process of awakening, while simultaneously coagulating our reality with awareness to the multidimensional grid of universal love. This love is the wholeness of creation, and is intelligent beyond our comprehension. 

When we tune ourselves to our deepest natural state, we align to the abundance, innocence, bliss, and ecstasy of our truest essence. We then merge into the fractal of natures intelligence, while creating a network of human potential through the means of biomimicry and sacred geometry, we can develop a sustainable civilization that is structured through efficient community connection, and inter-dimensional communication. 

This all begins with the self...

Awaken Your Internal Alchemy


Become the source of your own empowerment


Enlivening your senses


Bridging the connection of the inner and outer dimensions 



A series of online classes

based on the fruition of

manifesting our gifts and

desires into this world


Each series will deep dive into 

the conscious and subconscious layers of our minds

and supply keys to living in peace and harmony

with yourself and your surroundings




Below we have six foundational online Classes to choose from

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Dream Awake

We see and support you through your kundalini experience. Through our personal journey with this initiation of the dragons gate, we traveled through it without much external support of reflection. And now that we have come out the other side we feel the importance of creating a network of support for all who are going through and will go through a kundalini awakening of mind, body, and soul. 


Kundalini Path

We see and support you through your kundalini experience. Through our personal journey with this initiation of the dragons gate, we traveled through it without much external support of reflection. And now that we have come out the other side we feel the importance of creating a network of support for all who are going through and will go through a kundalini awakening of mind, body, and soul. 


The land of Milk and Honey

This ever evolving class is designed based off the the wisdom of the initiations we went through within Sophia's garden. The honey bees mystery school has been one of the greatest catalyst for evolution. And now we wish to share it with you, in reflection of the alchemical nectars of the body, mind, and spirit. 


Tree of Life

This course is a manifestation course that is based off of the biomimicry of nature. This is one of the most extensive structures we have to share because it works directly with the individual and the development that is linked to their daily lives. To truly receive the entire download we suggest you sign up for the whole 9 month transformation. 


Sacred Union

In our union we have found the harmonic grace of the universe, as well as the fire of resurrection. And in the re-bith we have found our salvation in each others embrace. In our devotion we unravel the mystery school of the universe through our bodies, through our connection. Dancing within the tantric song of creation, allowing it to move us and guide us to deeper states of remembrance and surrender. In this, we want to share what we have learned on this journey of our marriage. And all the steps it takes to be in whole union with the self, another, and the all. 


Feminine Mysteries

Come my beloveds, into the depth of our sacred wombs and hearts. May this song that I sing dance you freely into your realm of mastery as an embodied feminine holy essence. All who wish to connect to their feminine are welcome into this ever blossoming course. 


Masculine Mysteries

Open my beloveds to the sound of the drums within your heart, let this be heard by all ears. The masculine sacred essence has been contorted and abused, and now is the time that we rise in balance, to guide humanity into the light of awareness. To know what true strength is, in the passion of the heart. 

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