Azura's Offerings
Visit Azura
Book a custom wellness retreat at our vacation rental here in Weaverville, NC
Access to miles of mountaintop hiking
Guided waterfall trips
"Live O2" oxygen sessions
Optional one on one counseling/healing opportunities
Click the link below to learn more and to Book a retreat
Online Offerings
Union Codex
Relationship Counseling
coming soon!
Personalized sessions with Phoenix and Ashaweh
Balance relationship dynamics
Discover deeper intimacy
Manifestation Techniques
Api el sof
Honey bee mystery school
Online Honey Bee mystery school
Learn ancient ways of the bee priestess
shamanic dreaming with the bees to awaken lucidity
learning alchemy through reflection of the bees
deepening your connection to your bodies spiritual potential
ritual of sacred sensual arts
learning herstory
rose lineage connection to the bees
learning how to help save the honey bee
click the link below to learn more
Integration Counseling
Integration Counseling is a service designed to bridge the “metaphysical” realm with your “physical” reality. It is a full spectrum approach to support your unique experience, so that you may utilize every aspect of a new and profound initiation, in your daily life.
Integrate Psychedelic and Metaphysical initiations into your modern lifestyle
Api El Sof Pilgramge
A holy pilgrimage to the heart of the goddess in turkey​​
a woman's retreat
Turkey the land of the original bee goddess statues
the path of the Melissa of the Mediterranean
the garden of Sophia mystery school in the land of milk and honey
rose lineage tracing back to Ephesus
Artemis of Ephesus the city of goddesses
The Turkish coast
Beautiful hot springs and spa
sacred alchemy of feminine ritual arts
trance dance, song, and breath
discovering alchemies within
Coming in the spring of 2022!