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Inner Waters Hypnosis



Inner Waters Hypnosis is a form of hypnosis that focuses on the living waters within the body and the earth. Water holds memory on a cellular level and within the subconscious, energetic waters of the soul. In our world, there is a significant disconnect between spirit and matter—people often demonize or rebel against the living spirit while idolizing machines, physical possessions, and brands. By reconnecting with the natural body system and the deeper inner light of the soul, we can more clearly access the inner truth and love of our being, creating a profound state of inner peace and sanctuary within the body.


These sessions tap into the inner visionary state of being as well as the somatic, energetic body. By consciously connecting with the living waters and moving layer by layer into the subconscious mind, the simple truth of our being is revealed. During these sessions, I act as a guide into the subconscious realms. I do not dictate what you see or believe—it is an intuitive deep dive where answers arise from within the client. The intelligence of your own subconscious is the greatest truth you can access.

Many professional psychologists, psychics, or intuitives provide sessions where they channel information for others, but this can be risky, as it does not originate from the individual's inner knowing. These sessions are designed to strengthen your inner gnosis, wisdom, and soul connection, allowing your living waters to overflow from within. You remain the greatest authority and guide during the session. My role is to provide recommendations, hold a safe space for exploration, and show you how to navigate the depths of the subconscious mind.


Occasionally, there may be an energetic invitation for me to channel or provide clarity during the session, but I always ask for permission before sharing. I believe it is essential for individuals to reconnect with their own inner wisdom and the power and clarity stored within their living waters—the wellspring of their soul.


Why hypnosis?


All patterns we experience—psychological, emotional, physical, and spiritual—arise from the subconscious. Even events that seem random, such as accidents, carry a deeper energetic signature and message. When recognize and utilize, these messages can transform into profound wisdom.


The depths of our being shapes our surface experiences. By gazing into the oracle's well—the inner wellspring of our existence—we can uncover the truth with honesty and grace.


We often complicate life more than necessary. We embark on long quests, subjecting our minds and bodies to rigorous discipline and intensity, when in reality, spirit and the truth of creation are simple and accessible. All we need to do is create space for that connection, allowing the distracted aspects of ourselves to step aside and simply be. Instead of spending years trying to understand something, we can relax and create space for a deeper somatic state of awareness, tapping into the transformative power of hypnosis.



Hypnosis Application

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