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Blessings on your path to unity.
Heiros Gamos, Mythos, Symbology, and occult history of divine union
Key Notes:
The mystery teachings were hidden within stories
We are drawn to relationship, in the same way that we are drawn back to union/origin point.
The quest for the holy grail is symbolic of one’s inner journey to enlightenment. Similar to the search for Eldorado and the fountain of youth.
Relationship is the architecture of reality. The relationship between the archetypes is the structure of this dimension (High priestess, Magician, Empress, Emperor, Fool, Hierophant, Hermit, Devil)
Everyone has a unique balance of all archetypes, and each archetype has its light and shadow.
Heiros Gamos: Greek for “sacred marriage”, performed in ritual between a “God” and “Goddess”
Alchemy: Originated in ancient Egypt, also known as the land of “Khem”;
The phillosophers stone is a state of consciousness that transmutes density into “gold” or purity/value. In relationship, are catalysts of transmutation for ourselves and one another
"nobility": Noble elements on the periodic table are pure and incorruptible. True nobility is a state of purity, attained over many initiatory cycles (distillation).
Dan Tien loosly translates to “elixir field” or “sea of qi”
Tantra: practiced over 5000 years ago. Sanskrit word for “woven together”
Divine couples throughout time: Christ and Magdalene, Solomon and shiba, el and ashirah, shiva and Shakti, isis and Osiris (many more)
Ark of the covenant: “spark of agreement” A sacred container was built to house the spark of creation. The spark of creation exists in the union of masculine and feminine.
Many temples of the past were the sacred structures that housed the holy teachings of union. The architecture of the structures themselves held teachings of divine union and the stories of creation.
Archangels are the arch angles for the creation of sacred architecture (sacred geometry)
There are many perspectives on the symbology of masculine and feminine principles of creation. Some include:
Void/space=feminine and light=masculine, earth=mother and sun=father, water=feminine and fire=masculine, yin=feminine and yang=masculine. A less common perspective is that earth is masculine (made of molecular geometries, rocks minerals, etc.) and the sun is feminine (liquid light that flows through the geometric structures of earth)
Many people see flowers as feminine, but they are in fact very balanced.
There are infinite perspectives in the dissecttion of something that is truly ONE. It is about how we interpret, and relate with these observations that may guide us back to the ultimate truth.
Union of sun and water births life. Sometimes the “feminine” qualities within the man, are balanced by the “masculine” qualities within the woman in a relationship
The truth is that all polarities are inherent within each other (Yin Yang)
Vesica pisces: the center of each circle lies on the circumference of the other. latin word meaning “vessel of the fish”– Jesus told his desiples to cast their net in to the sea, and they pulled out 153 fish. The vesica pisces can be divided into 4 equal right triangles whose height and width are expressed in the ratio 265:153. 265 divided by 153 is 1.73203, which is the square root of 3 (which is an infinite number like pi). In Pythagorean sacred geometry, the straight lines are associated with masculine energy and curved lines are associated with feminine. When the masculine and feminine are added together within the vesica pisces, 3 infinite numbers are revealed. Square root of 2,3, and 5; all of which are used in sacred architecture around the world.
Chalice=symbol of the torus within FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH – “for those who drink of the fountain will never thirst again” – immortality is an embodiment of lucidity, “for those who dream awake never sleep”
Torus is like a column that creates the architecture of space-time
When we activate our torroidial field, we are able to hold space within the akasha for energy to move/weave through.
The consciousness of ascended masters is the architecture of ascended realms (shambala, Agartha, shan-gri-la, hyperboria, Eldorado, Avalon, atlantis) look at the hindu temple (atlanta)
Caduceus: a complete whole (hole)/holy state of being
Shadow symbology:
In the modern bible, Eve was supposedly made from Adam’s rib. This supported the patriarchal narrative of the time, and has continued into our current culture.
It is symbolically represented in the use of the word “God” for masculine and “Goddess” for feminine; as if to say the feminine is a subsequent addition to the masculine. The word “Goddess” was created from the “rib” of the word “God”. (man;woman, priest;priestess,
Pentagram: facing upward represents "spirit over matter", and was associated with masculine energy. the inverted pentagram represents "matter over spirit", and was associated with feminine energy.
The original image of a hermaphrodite was an alchemical symbol representing the balance of masculine and feminine energies within one's body.
The feminine was demonized (divide and conquer)
The practice of alchemy became associated with witchcraft. Baphomet or “the witch’s goat” was deemed, “satan”. The symbol of the goat or cow head represents the womb. The sacred feminine was demonized and associated with the temptress and snake (garden of eden). Mary Magdalene was called a whore.
This wound has its roots in the creation of the language we speek.
Spells create realities. We cast spells with our words. We use the alphabet to “spell” words. We have been manipulated by the spells within our very language.
What does it mean to be “under a spell”?
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Understanding Relationship
Key Notes:
"What was one, became many, so that each part may be known in its wholeness"
We are the seed, and we are the gardener. Within us, lies our perfect divine blueprint. How can we cultivate a harmonious environment for the seed to sprout?
Know thy self
Familiarize yourself with stillness (this is your launch, and landing pad). From stillness we can truly observe. Through observation we can become lucid to unconscious patterning. Instead of falling asleep to the dream currents, we awaken and choose our path and the way we relate to every circumstance.
Relationship is far more than just your partner- it is how we relate and interface with every single aspect of reality
What is the true power of relationship?
What is the responsibility of relationship for the world?
Your relationship is a temple, and that temple is the container for the spark of creation or the “ark of the covenant”. This is sacred, and requires devotion.
What is true devotion?
True devotion requires sacrifice. Sacrifice means “to make sacred”
What is healthy sacrifice?
Compost what no longer serves us. Most people are afraid of the compost, yet it is the compost that holds most of the nutrients that enable growth. Stagnant compost goes anerobic, we must keep things moving. Turning the compost is a tough job for a gardener, but it is essential.
There is nothing around us that isn’t “of” us
People want to know (is this the relationship I am meant to be in for the rest of my life?) people are addicted to KNOWING. We must surrender to the mystery, and trust that every situation is before us for our highest evolution. We must be fully present to what is before us. In that, we are able to receive all of the hidden gifts(nutrients) within the current moment. Presence holds the presents.
Religion has a tendency to externalize divinity. In that way, many of us have been patterned to externalize relationship; as if our relationship with the divine is beyond us.
True awareness shows that our body is made of the earth, we know earth is sacred, therefore our bodies are sacred just the same. The way we treat our body directly affects the earth.
Our body is a temple. How can we honor someone else if we have not formed an honorable relationship with ourselves?
Setting healthy boundaries with ourselves through diet, yoga, meditation, etc. creates the “walls” of our temple
Self-practice creates confidence/self-worth, which generates a healthy charge within relationship.
Once we understand the formation of right relation within our self, we can begin to use those practices in relationship with our soulmate/beloved.
The seeds of your external relationship are what is meant to be created together
How can you create an optimal environment for those seeds to sprout?
Relationship with a beloved is a mutual agreement to reflect each other’s gifts and shadows, so that growth is optimized.
The external perspective from a beloved provides new angles for deeper insight.
Relationship is an agreement to share a temple
The temple is what creates the safe space to open; to reveal the deepest vulnerable layers of our inner world.
Relationship requires transparency
Relationship is the process of “coming out”, into transparency and togetherness
What must be sacrificed in order to meet each other in true devotion?
How can you cultivate healthy practice together that strengthens your union?
The temple is the container for the sacred alchemy of union; for which each individual brings specific ingredients. Some ingredients require distillation and purification, while others are entirely wild and raw.
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Polarity and Magnetics
Key Notes:
The secrets of manifestation are based in our ability to modulate the frequencies within our body.
The life we seek is already here, we simply must come into resonance with it.
What is resonance?
Example: crystal bowl singing in tune with voice
Cymatics, and the nature of the fractal (show cymatics video)
Chemical reactions within the body creates electricity. Electricity is a vibration.
What is fascia? Mini deep dive into healing fascia, past lives etc. Fascia hold genetic memory
Science of fear- how fear creates patterns in fascia etc.
Quantum physics, mechanics of energy
Emotions carry electrical charge
Stressful emotions damage the body
When we are resonating together, we become vibrant
Thoughts are also electrical. We can become physically exhausted by thinking too much. When we are “in our heads” we are actually using energy that the rest of the body needs to maintain vitality.
We are bio-electric batteries
How to cultivate electromagnetic charge within the individual – this charge creates magnetism (attraction) and amplifies the ability to manifest.
Finding a healthy balance of masculine/feminine polarities within the self, gives space for kundalini to rise
We are a fractal representation of the whole – the more we become whole (holy) within self, the more expanded we become
Each partner must become whole within themselves in order to create the toroidal field.
Often we wait for the other partner to make the first change, but we must acknowledge that making a change within ourselves, reflects outwards (in most cases)
How not to base self worth externally
Self love creates charge, and manifests beyond your desires and expectations
Understanding archetypal masculine and feminine shadows
Energy of seduction (type of magnetic charge) often used because one has a subconscious inner-state of lack (so they are seeking external energy and validation) – this usually comes from a childhood wound – there is also a sacred form of seduction (charming the cobra, temple art, true muse)
When one is self-sourcing, they are scientifically more attractive
Self love creates what we desire most
For if you are lacking within, you will also lack all around
Finding self-love within a relationship creates your own sense of sovereignty
Sexual energy is literally electric. Science has proven that when we experience a sensation in our nervous system, a measurable amount of electricity moves throughout the body. Our genitalia contain a massive amount of nerve endings. Therefore, having sex is actually a bio-electrical generation mechanism. Hence, why it’s so good for our health, etc. But it goes so far beyond science. There is a force that has been, for the most part, undiscovered by the scientific community.
Channeling Qi creates miracles; healing, levitation, telepathy, etc.
Qi is part of kundalini energy
Kundalini comes from the word “kundal” in Sanskrit: meaning “coiled up”
The serpent is the “flow” state
Summoning the serpent: when the serpent rises, and reaches the third eye, it symbolically grows wings to “fly” through the infinite cosmos, becoming the dragon
Cerebrospinal fluid= “chrism”
Practices for cultivating magnetism –
Bring awareness to your own emotions so that you are able to respond from a space that inspires growth rather than repulsion – many times we can push people away with our emotional charge (magnetic charge can both push and pull)
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Navigating emotion, conflict, and resolution
Key Notes:
The mystery teachings were hidden within stories
We are drawn to relationship, in the same way that we are drawn back to union/origin point.
The quest of the holy grail is symbolic of one’s inner journey to enlightenment
Search for Eldorado and the fountain of youth
Union is the architecture of reality
The relationship between the archetypes is the structure of this dimension (High priestess, Magician, Empress, Emperor, Fool, Hierophant, Hermit, Devil)
Everyone has a unique balance of all archetypes, and each archetype has its light and shadow.
Heiros Gamos: Greek for “sacred marriage”, performed in ritual between a “God” and “Goddess”
Alchemy: Originated in ancient Egypt, also known as the land of “Khem”; which was inspired by the Egyptian word for “black” or “fertile”. This is interesting because the womb is also a symbol for the “black” (void) and fertility, where new life is created. The womb is the alchemical crucible for heiros gamos. (show symbol of “martini glass”). Whereas, the male phallus is known as the “stone” or “wand”.
Mercury is the alchemical symbol for the “cosmic womb” and the serpent
The phillosophers stone is a state of consciousness that transmutes density into “gold” or purity/value. In relationship, are catalysts of transmutation for ourselves and one another
Baphomet or “the witch’s goat” was deemed, “satan”. The symbol of the goat or cow head represents the womb. The sacred feminine was demonized and associated with the temptress and snake (garden of eden). Mary Magdalene was called a whore.
Dan Tien loosly translates to “elixir field” or “sea of qi”
Tantra: practiced over 5000 years ago. Sanskrit word for “woven together”
Christ and Magdalene, Solomon and shiba, el and ashirah, shiva and Shakti, isis and Osiris (many more)
Ark of the covenant: “spark of agreement” A sacred container was built to house the spark of creation. The spark of creation exists in the union of masculine and feminine.
All of these physical things are representations of inner alchemical union processes.
Many temples of the past were the sacred structures that housed the holy teachings of union. The architecture of the structures themselves held teachings of divine union and the stories of creation.
Archangels are the arch angles for the creation of sacred architecture (sacred geometry) reference: Hindu temple, cymatic geometry
There are many perspectives on the symbology of masculine and feminine principles of creation. Some include:
Void/space=feminine and light=masculine, earth=mother and sun=father, water=feminine and fire=masculine, yin=feminine and yang=masculine. A less common perspective is that earth is masculine (made of molecular geometries, rocks minerals, etc.) and the sun is feminine (liquid light that flows through the geometric structures of earth)
Many people see flowers as feminine, but they are in fact very balanced. The fact is that there are infinite perspectives in the dissecttion something that is truly ONE. It is about how we interpret, and relate with these observations that may guide us back to the ultimate truth.
Union of sun and water births life. Sometimes the “feminine” qualities within the man, are balanced by the “masculine” qualities within the woman in a relationship
The truth is that all polarities are inherent within each other (Yin Yang)
Vesica pisces: the center of each circle lies on the circumference of the other. latin word meaning “vessel of the fish”– Jesus told his desiples to cast their net in to the sea, and they pulled out 153 fish. The vesica pisces can be divided into 4 equal right triangles whose height and width are expressed in the ratio 265:153. 265 divided by 153 is 1.73203, which is the square root of 3 (which is an infinite number like pi). In Pythagorean sacred geometry, the straight lines are associated with masculine energy and curved lines are associated with feminine. When the masculine and feminine are added together within the vesica pisces, 3 infinite numbers are revealed. Square root of 2,3, and 5; all of which are used in sacred architecture around the world.
Chalice=symbol of the torus within FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH – “for those who drink of the fountain will never thirst again” – immortality is an embodiment of lucidity, “for those who dream awake never sleep”
Torus is like a column that creates the architecture of space-time
When we activate our torroidial field, we are able to hold space within the akasha for energy to move/weave through.
The consciousness of ascended masters is the architecture of ascended realms (shambala, Agartha, shan-gri-la, hyperboria, Eldorado, Avalon, atlantis) look at the hindu temple (atlanta)
Shadow symbology:
In the modern bible, Eve was supposedly made from Adam’s rib. This supported the patriarchal narrative of the time, and has continued into our current culture.
It is symbolically represented in the use of the word “God” for masculine and “Goddess” for feminine; as if to say the feminine is a subsequent addition to the masculine. The word “Goddess” was created from the “rib” of the word “God”. (man;woman, priest;priestess,
This wound has its roots in the creation of the language we speek.
Spells create realities. We cast spells with our words. We use the alphabet to “spell” words. We have been manipulated by the spells within our very language.
What does it mean to be “under a spell”?
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Sacred Sexuality
Heiros Gamos, Mythos, Symbology, and occult history of divine union
Key Notes:
The mystery teachings were hidden within stories
We are drawn to relationship, in the same way that we are drawn back to union/origin point.
The quest of the holy grail is symbolic of one’s inner journey to enlightenment
Search for Eldorado and the fountain of youth
Union is the architecture of reality
The relationship between the archetypes is the structure of this dimension (High priestess, Magician, Empress, Emperor, Fool, Hierophant, Hermit, Devil)
Everyone has a unique balance of all archetypes, and each archetype has its light and shadow.
Heiros Gamos: Greek for “sacred marriage”, performed in ritual between a “God” and “Goddess”
Alchemy: Originated in ancient Egypt, also known as the land of “Khem”; which was inspired by the Egyptian word for “black” or “fertile”. This is interesting because the womb is also a symbol for the “black” (void) and fertility, where new life is created. The womb is the alchemical crucible for heiros gamos. (show symbol of “martini glass”). Whereas, the male phallus is known as the “stone” or “wand”.
Mercury is the alchemical symbol for the “cosmic womb” and the serpent
The phillosophers stone is a state of consciousness that transmutes density into “gold” or purity/value. In relationship, are catalysts of transmutation for ourselves and one another
Baphomet or “the witch’s goat” was deemed, “satan”. The symbol of the goat or cow head represents the womb. The sacred feminine was demonized and associated with the temptress and snake (garden of eden). Mary Magdalene was called a whore.
Dan Tien loosly translates to “elixir field” or “sea of qi”
Tantra: practiced over 5000 years ago. Sanskrit word for “woven together”
Christ and Magdalene, Solomon and shiba, el and ashirah, shiva and Shakti, isis and Osiris (many more)
Ark of the covenant: “spark of agreement” A sacred container was built to house the spark of creation. The spark of creation exists in the union of masculine and feminine.
All of these physical things are representations of inner alchemical union processes.
Many temples of the past were the sacred structures that housed the holy teachings of union. The architecture of the structures themselves held teachings of divine union and the stories of creation.
Archangels are the arch angles for the creation of sacred architecture (sacred geometry) reference: Hindu temple, cymatic geometry
There are many perspectives on the symbology of masculine and feminine principles of creation. Some include:
Void/space=feminine and light=masculine, earth=mother and sun=father, water=feminine and fire=masculine, yin=feminine and yang=masculine. A less common perspective is that earth is masculine (made of molecular geometries, rocks minerals, etc.) and the sun is feminine (liquid light that flows through the geometric structures of earth)
Many people see flowers as feminine, but they are in fact very balanced. The fact is that there are infinite perspectives in the dissecttion something that is truly ONE. It is about how we interpret, and relate with these observations that may guide us back to the ultimate truth.
Union of sun and water births life. Sometimes the “feminine” qualities within the man, are balanced by the “masculine” qualities within the woman in a relationship
The truth is that all polarities are inherent within each other (Yin Yang)
Vesica pisces: the center of each circle lies on the circumference of the other. latin word meaning “vessel of the fish”– Jesus told his desiples to cast their net in to the sea, and they pulled out 153 fish. The vesica pisces can be divided into 4 equal right triangles whose height and width are expressed in the ratio 265:153. 265 divided by 153 is 1.73203, which is the square root of 3 (which is an infinite number like pi). In Pythagorean sacred geometry, the straight lines are associated with masculine energy and curved lines are associated with feminine. When the masculine and feminine are added together within the vesica pisces, 3 infinite numbers are revealed. Square root of 2,3, and 5; all of which are used in sacred architecture around the world.
Chalice=symbol of the torus within FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH – “for those who drink of the fountain will never thirst again” – immortality is an embodiment of lucidity, “for those who dream awake never sleep”
Torus is like a column that creates the architecture of space-time
When we activate our torroidial field, we are able to hold space within the akasha for energy to move/weave through.
The consciousness of ascended masters is the architecture of ascended realms (shambala, Agartha, shan-gri-la, hyperboria, Eldorado, Avalon, atlantis) look at the hindu temple (atlanta)
Shadow symbology:
In the modern bible, Eve was supposedly made from Adam’s rib. This supported the patriarchal narrative of the time, and has continued into our current culture.
It is symbolically represented in the use of the word “God” for masculine and “Goddess” for feminine; as if to say the feminine is a subsequent addition to the masculine. The word “Goddess” was created from the “rib” of the word “God”. (man;woman, priest;priestess,
This wound has its roots in the creation of the language we speek.
Spells create realities. We cast spells with our words. We use the alphabet to “spell” words. We have been manipulated by the spells within our very language.
What does it mean to be “under a spell”?
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